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In addition to the people - the following companies helped to make HTBYSIL possible!


About The Series

Michelle and Melissa become Sisters-in-Law at Melissa's wedding

Melissa and Michelle have conflicting memories of the production details but both remember sharing the stage together as they sang "Let The Sunshine In" as naked flower children. After graduation, both moved to Los Angeles to pursue careers in TV and film. One day, Michelle thought it would be a good idea to introduce Melissa to her very eligible brother. So much for them just having a quickie.

Enter Sydnie Suskind and Susan Cohen. Sydnie, a longtime friend of Melissa and Michelle, was approached by them regarding the idea of developing a web series based on the conceit of two sisters-in-law. Sydnie and Susan – already a writing team that had sold a pilot to Comedy Central UK and partnered with the likes of Red Hour and Legendary – were looking for a new project to sink their writing teeth into. And so HTBYSIL was born. Using the launch pad of two sisters-in-law, Sydnie and Susan started to conceive of scenarios that incorporated aspects of their lives – because there’s nothing like stealing from reality for inspiration.


Now, over a decade later, Melissa and Michelle have celebrated numerous marriages, the birth of their children and a whole lotta obligatory family gatherings. So, as you can imagine, these two real life sisters-in-law were either going to love each other, hate each other OR star in a comedy about their lives… Or all three!

But the truth is that HTBYSIL could not have been done without the support and incredible generosity of the HTBYSIL Kickstarter community who rallied together and became an extended family, helping to make this passion project a reality.  And to them we extend our endless gratitude.



The first season of HTBYSIL was shot over five crazy hot days at the end of June in LA with a cast and crew of exceptional professionals who gave their everything to this project. Please visit The Team to learn more about the individuals behind HTBYSIL.


And to give you an idea of just how much fun we had - here's a look at some behind the scenes of the making of HTBYSIL.

How To Beat Your Sister-in-Law (at everything)
Debra Neil Fisher and Darryl Miller messing around
Cast of How To Beat Your Sister-in-Law (at everything) - Melissa Greenspan, Michelle Azar, Suzy Nakamura, Phil Lamarr, Iris Braydon
How To Beat Your Sister-in-Law (at everything) sound guy Dave Cook
Suzy Nakamura and Phil Lamarr reunited on set of How To Beat Your Sister-in-Law (at everything)
Cast and crew of How To Beat Your Sister-in-Law (at everything)

It all began when Melissa Greenspan and Michelle Azar met at New York University while in rehearsal for the 20th anniversary production of HAIR, produced by its original creators, Jim Rado, Jerry Ragni and Galt MacDermot.

Michelle and Melssa meet doing Hair at NYU

So how did HTBYSIL come to be?

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